Sunday, October 10, 2010

Terrible nonsense

Why do old guys always tell stories about these real nice cars they once owned? Who cares? You don't own it now do you? Right.

And why do dumb woman pushing strollers have to hog the sidewalks? There's room for everyone if you quit being such a dumb bitch hog.

That goes for dumb hat kids/wutangers as well.

the people on the sidewalk really anger me lately,, the people are the reason i don't go outside. Why should i have to be stuck indoors because you're an asshole? How about YOU all go inside and become all pale and shit. No wonder i get depressed a lot... just look at these people...

And there's always some trashy bitch yelling at the bus terminal.. talking about how shes gonna "kick that girls ass" ...i laugh at them and they don't know why i'm laughing....

Why does every bitch from highschool have like 5 kids and like pretending they're "happily married" Bullshit. You're just playing house.

I decided i'm never ever getting married either. Douche-bags and their douchebag weddings, with their d-bag cakes and wine, shitty food and shitty outfits, shitty music,shitty family aND SHITTY FRIENDS. I HATE IT so here is my R.S.V.P- fuck off and eat your dumb cake...

You'll just be divorced in a few months anyway and the kids will cry and then they'll meet the new stepmom/dad and hate her/him. Then they get tons of anxiety and start failing at school. Is this what you wanted?

People should just quit having kids.

Why does my ex call me trying to get back together? If we were the last 2 people on earth - I'd kill him.

And i hate your long messages on my answering machine. I hate phones. Period.

Am I the only person that doesn't use a cell phone? The ringing gives me anxiety. So does your voice. My own voice irritates me..

Why is it the second someone dies they make a R.I.P group? and change their pictures to the one that died? and then in a few weeks they forget them and move on. (switch their pic back)..i hope nobody makes me one. I wouldn't like it. I hope someone plays good music at my funeral too. No shitty depressing crap ya hear? I'd like some Priest, Metallica or some Pantera ,etc. I don't even want people to come. If people do come i hope its just the people i like. I don't want some douchebag that i hate, coming and pretending they were my friend.

I hate the lady or man? whatever it is that lives in the front of my building. It's deaf and i have no idea what it's saying. It's always showing me these dirty horse shoes and digging through the garbage. I don't care about your horse shoes. I just want to smoke my cigarette. I can't smoke indoors, because my cat hates it.

If anyone gets offended by this they can fuck off. If me pressing my buttons on my keyboard pisses you off,, then you have issues.

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