Thursday, July 21, 2011

27 next month

Where did the time go? I still feel like a kid. My body doesn't feel so young though. I can't imagine what I'll be thinking when I'm really old (if i make it)

I told my lawyer the other day that I would be turning 26 and he looked at me real funny. When I left the office, I realized that I'd be turning 27. I don't even remember turning 26 or 25 even. I wish my life would slow down for a while so I could enjoy it. The months are going by extremely quick. I'm on strong pain medication and i mark the time I take my dose on the calendar , because everyday feels the same and sometimes I get confused about it. "did i take my medicine today? Yes, no wait that was yesterday? or was it today?" I've done that way too many times. Writing it on the calender helps me know when I need to take my medication. So does feeling all the pain, but with the medication I'm on, you're supposed to keep it steady in your system and every 4 hours. They say it works better for the pain if you take it at the same time every day. Those pill containers are no good for me, because the amount of pills I have to take daily, wont all fit in those containers. The point of talking about this is that, because I'm constantly writing on the calender every day and checking the days off with a marker, before I know it the month has gone by, then the year etc. Maybe I need to come up with a new idea for keeping track of my meds... hmm.

Another thing that has been bothering me is that I've become so incredibly sick of everybody lately. I don't watch tv. I have cable and don't even know why I pay for it. I watch the news sometimes, but not usually at all. I watch things on the computer and that way I can choose what I want to watch and not what is being forced on to people. I remember when I first heard about Lady Gaga. I never knew what a lady gaga was even. I had to go look it up on the internet and instantly was upset with myself for looking it up. After that I saw and heard about this Lady Gaga EVERYWHERE. Same thing happened with Justin Beiber and recently I've heard about "Rebecca Black". I thought that was a joke when I watched it. I still don't think it's fair , because I choose not to watch tv, so why should I have to constantly hear about what you think of all the shit that they show on tv? Do you really need your status update to be about how much you hate or like any of these d-bags that I'm talking about? I deleted my facebook account for over 5 months because I was so sick of hearing nonsense from people. I decided to re-activate it not too long ago and it feels like I never even left!

Everyone is still talking about the same things, plus more nonsense that I haven't ever heard of. I stopped being curious and stopped looking things up, because I know now that it's most likely something that I'll hate. I know that not everyone is going to like the same music as me, but I don't constantly shove my shit on you and in your face. The things I like, aren't on tv all the time either. WHat's on tv is what they want you to like. You're a bunch of sheep. BAHHHHH!

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